Mother of Rebirth

Are you ready to begin your journey home?
Ayahuasca Vancouver
Learn how you can heal through Ayahuasca ceremonies
…without getting fooled by plastic shamans or stuck in an unsafe situation.
(You may also register to receive invitations to prayer ceremonies)
In this best-seller,
you’ll discover:
Everything you really need to know about Ayahuasca ceremonies, from the basics to the profound.
What to watch out for from leaders of ceremonies, and best practices to keep yourself safe.
How to get the most healing possible out of your journey through preparation and integration.

Ayahuasca Mother of Rebirth is a powerful companion on your healing journey, whether you have no ceremonial experience or if you’ve been working with plant spirits for years.
It was written by Ankhara after a decade of holding ceremony, with the hope that those seeking healing and growth would find their path more easily and avoid unnecessary suffering along the way.
May you find your path and free yourself from suffering.
Journeying Podcast
Carrying blood descended from the Táltos shamanic tradition has made for a never boring journey in this life. Within those teachings it’s said that a Táltos is born with full ability, but no understanding. I’ve attempted to know my inner-self, and in doing so I’ve discovered that existential joy was always waiting for me, just beyond my ignorance.
My grandmother taught me what she could of our heritage, though much of our tradition was wiped out through hundreds of years of oppression. Her teachings were always practical. She taught me in a simple way: learning by doing. Those simple teachings on how to work with plants, medicines, and energy in my early childhood set me down a lifelong path of discovery.
The world I live in is one where all “things” think and feel and express.
A world where there is space to breathe, and everything is gently interconnected. As I’ve walked down this path, I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by a community that is committed to creating a kinder world from the inside out—even if we each have to go through our own personal hell to get to heaven. At least we can walk through these challenging times hand-in-hand.
I’ve had the privilege of opening a door, one with an illuminating wisdom behind it. When the light comes through, it shines on everything that is beautiful and also on everything that is ugly. It shines on everyone, and kindness blossoms.
With Love and Gratitude,
AnkharaAyahuasca Vancouver
“If you think that the Truth can be known from words, if you think that the Sun and the ocean can pass through that tiny opening called the mouth, O someone should start laughing! Someone should start wildly Laughing – Now!”