These Eyes See in 2D

These eyes see in 2D,
The Truth exists in 10.
How can we hope to know,
What it means when we say

Dancing in the extremes, the universe feels cliché.
This time we spend together could not be more sacred, more profound.

In perfect darkness is a completeness, containing a nothingness.
Light a candle. Melt, be warm.
Now, we are agents of

The shadows,
play the villain.

Don’t fear the villains, they don’t exist,
“Out there.”
How ever you treat the darkest,
most hideous parts of yourself,
let that be the
meter stick
For your healing.

There’s no sense in going out to serve others while shunning and torturing your hidden self.

Yes, it’s time to move on.
This is the opening that we have been waiting for. It’s time to be honest with ourselves, and with each other.
Yes, we have been shattered on the rocks.
Yes, we are survivors.
Never doubt the originating source of brokenness: wholeness.

Beyond all of this conflict, beyond the horrors, there is a table.
There, brotherhood and sisterhood are seated, waiting patiently and without judgement.

The price of a plate, is honesty, vulnerability. Being willing to get raw. Willing to get ugly.
The beauty is all around, the love, support, tenderness, gentleness, and connection, are all served on silver platters

Love, source, spirit, Great Mother and Father, all around, all surrounding. They pour in, encouraging us to receive the great wisdom.
We must breakdown the walls and clear out the basement
of the soul.
Don’t fill it with cement!
Let it go, they can carry
your tears
to the thrift store,

In the past, this clearing was like rolling up our sleeves and getting knee deep with
a teaspoon.

Now, the outpouring of this fire hose need only be acknowledged, directed.
We need only break down, melt down our doors with profound tenderness, and admit to the Fireman, “Yeah! Down there!”

This profound energy, pours down through us, into those many places which we have deemed
Flowing down to all the low places
loathed by humans,
To clean and nourish that which was never given a chance,
To deeply love.

These stories, the actions of the past left imprinted on hearts;
When we come together to live in the Spirit of the Truth, we find that the stories don’t make sense
Stop telling them, stop re-enacting them.

Here is the table, waiting, for you.
Surrounded with so much cheerful goodwill, let’s accept the invitation, the invocation, our place,
our birthright.

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